

Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity – an activity aimed at systematically obtaining profit from using property, selling goods, performing work or providing services, which is carried out independently at your own risk by a person registered in accordance with the law as an individual entrepreneur.

Individual cases of the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services that do not lead to a systematic profit, are not entrepreneurship.

For business use of property, intangible assets, labor as the entrepreneur, and involved from the side. There is no guarantee that the money spent will pay off, that the output will be sold at a profit. With this is associated the risk of loss of all or part of the property.

In most countries, official registration is required to start a business, but criteria and conditions may vary significantly. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurship can be carried out by a legal entity or directly by an individual (individual entrepreneur) after their registration in the manner prescribed by law.

Entrepreneurship is the most important property of a market economy, permeating all its institutions.

In Russian, the words business and business are used interchangeably, but sometimes have different meanings.

The effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity can be assessed not only by profit, but also by the change in the value of the enterprise (market value of the enterprise, goodwill).

Usually there are the following stages of the formation of ideas:

Creating an entrepreneurial idea;
The first expert assessment of the idea;
Obtaining market information (identifying the relationship between supply and demand, pricing, etc.);
Cost calculations for the implementation of ideas;
Expert assessment of market information and costs for the implementation of the idea;
Making an entrepreneurial decision, preparing for the practical implementation of the idea.
To make a decision, one cannot do without thorough marketing or studying the state of the market, the situation with competitors, scientific forecasts of probable changes in supply and demand, and the purchasing power of the population. As practice shows, a lot of sources of ideas: feedback from business partners and contractors under the contract, products of competitors, materials of publications of state structures, information sheets of patent bureaus. The most important place in the sources is the opinion of consumers of products, since the ultimate goal of entrepreneurial activity is the satisfaction of their requests.

Sometimes social entrepreneurship is distinguished in a separate category.


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